Arnold Bakker
Jul 6, 2023
Working on Job crafting? Call for paper proposals!
Research on job crafting, playful work design and other proactive approaches to job design is flourishing. However, it is important to...

Arnold Bakker
Sep 30, 2022
Podcast "Hoe zorg je dat leuke, goede mensen blijven?
Over de aflevering We doen van alles om nieuwe werknemers te vinden. Maar intussen lopen bestaande collega's en masse weg. Hoe zorg je...

Arnold Bakker
May 5, 2022
Social Psychology of Work engagement
The social psychology of work engagement refers to all the interpersonal processes involved in engagement, including emotional contagion,...

Arnold Bakker
Mar 1, 2022
Plezier als preventiemiddel
Voorkomen is beter dan genezen, luidt het bekende spreekwoord. Wat kunnen werkgevers doen om in tijden van stress en oplopende werkdruk...

Arnold Bakker
Dec 23, 2021
Work engagement in Chile
In this interview, I talk about the levels of engagement in Chile, and discuss differences between older and younger employees. In...

Arnold Bakker
Dec 21, 2021
Interview with Mataj Sakoman
In this interview, Arnold Bakker talks with Mataj Sakoman from the University of Zagreb in Croatia, and founder of the Psychology and HR...

Arnold Bakker
Dec 21, 2021
Teaching in Chile
Arnold Bakker discusses research among Chilean teachers. How do teachers deal with their job demands and stay engaged in their work? What...

Arnold Bakker
Dec 14, 2021
Working in the kitchen
Arnold Bakker, Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology, has conducted research on employee well-being for the last 25 years. “We...

Arnold Bakker
Dec 14, 2021
Bevlogenheid wint het van tevredenheid
[in Dutch] Hij heeft ooit econometrie gestudeerd en heeft dus echt geen hekel aan cijfers. Maar hij vraagt zich wel af waarom de...

Arnold Bakker
Dec 13, 2021
My team collaborates with the work designers of Vivic to build the best possible interventions. Over the past five years, we have...